Our 30th Anniversary concert is fast approaching, featuring as many groups as possible that meet and play at MMC! We are very much looking forward to celebrating all that is so wonderful about MMC with all of you and your families.
Please do spread the word and bring family and friends!
- Date: Saturday 29th June
- Venue: King's School Main Hall (Alderley Road, Prestbury) (Map)
- Time: 6pm Piano Class Recital - 7pm Main concert.
- Free Entry - we are not selling tickets, but will be having a retiring collection, and programmes will be available to purchase.
For performers
We have taken the decision not to open MMC for group rehearsals on the morning of Saturday 29th June at Fallibroome, but the school will remain open for individual lessons (for which you can co-ordinate with your tutors)
During the afternoon of 29th June, there will be a dress rehearsal at Kings School starting at 1.30pm where we will run through the concert programme. This is an important part of the day to ensure everything and everyone is in the right place at the right time, as well as giving all players the opportunity to adjust to the different acoustics of the Hall.
Draft rehearsal and performance timings are available here. These are subject to change but provide details of when you will need to be available for rehearsal if possible.
The venue will be open to us from 1pm to concert finish (approx 9.45pm) and there are areas for members to change, and bring a packed tea if required.
Dress Code for the concert will be all black.
Please note we are not selling tickets, but will be having a retiring collection, and programmes will be available to purchase.
If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to contact info@maccmusiccentre.org.uk
We are very much looking forward to celebrating all that is so wonderful about MMC with all of you and your families.